Wednesday, December 27, 2006

New web address for the Wave

The Washtown Wave has moved on to a new web address. To read all new posts of the Wave, head over to

It's moved over to join other publications done by the little company that edits and supplies the content to the Wave. It also has feeds from another Firefly blog,

Feel free to go, visit, read and comment.

Holiday Gray Goo attack in Washtown

From Cabridges Fanwood:
Christmas night was filled with cheer, fellowship, and lots of green penises wearing Santa hats. A goo attack began in SL late Christmas night and was quickly handled by the Lindens, but not before Washtown was flooded with floating green bombs all yelling well-wishing profanity ("Feliz Navidad, Motherf.....s!") and creating more of themselves. Some fast Returning and Deleting from residents kept our place clean and aside from a horrible lag no damage was done, but here you can see what the unincorporated land looked like during the assault.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Casino Sold!

This just in!

The land the Cadillac Casino was previously on has gone on sale! The casino, across the road from Washtown proper, has been causing serious lag problems due to the high numbers of customers. The casino is now gone and the land is available for purchase.

Washtown resident Jadi Goodliffe has already contacted the owner to put a hold on any sale of the land until residents can organize and come to a decision on what to do with the opportunity.

She has asked for it to be on the agenda for the town meeting this coming Saturday at 4 p.m. SLT. It'll be at the bar and will be open to all Washtown residents. All of those not a resident yet because of lack of space will want to come also.

Again, the land is available! This is a chance for Washtown to grow and keep out more bandwith eating development. The Wave encourages all interested people to attend this Saturday in Burnet.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Roleplay in Washtown

Don't forget, there is a Firefly roleplay tonight in Washtown at 8 p.m. SL time (Pacific time). Feel free to ask questions, especially before the activities begin. Much of it will be at the Washtown Bar next to Serenity, but can range all over the town.

Hope to see you there.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

The premiere of the Wave!

Hello all. Let me welcome you to the first posting to the first posting to the Washtown Wave. This will be a place for all "Firefly" fans on SL to come and find out what's going on.

Washtown is the name of the first settlement in SL created and run by fans. There are new ones starting up, however. Jaynestown has started up the cliff from Washtown and I'm sure there are more out there. So let us know. This will be the place to reach out to other fans.

There will be announcements of groups, roleplays, and businesses. Don't hesitate to let us know what you have going one. We'll be thrilled to help everyone get in touch with each other.